
A sinkhole grabs the ball for a while and then spits it back out in a direction. 

ImpactSound will play when the sinkhole is hit.

ReleaseSound will play when the ball is released.

MaxCountDown property (1) is the time the ball will be held.

KickSpeed property (2000) is the speed of the ball when released. Rotate the sinkhole actor to aim the release direction.


PB_CreatureSinkhole is a special sinkhole that tells a creature to come over and take the ball out of it.

SignalCreature property is the creature that will be signalled.

SignalNavPoint property is the nav point that the creature will go to. It doesn't have to be near the sinkhole or even related.


PB_SinkholeNoCreatures is a sinkhole that only works if all creaturs of a specific type are destroyed first.

bHitOnce property is true if you can only hit the sinkhole once.

KillCreatureType property is the type of creature that must be destroyed before the sinkhole will work.

SignalCreature property is the creature that will be signalled.

SignalNavPoint property is the navigation point the creature will go towards.